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SmG Staff Promotions!


Staff member
Congratulations to our newest Captains @"Abi" @"Altair"!

Both of you have shown nothing but love and dedication for SmG. I am very grateful to have you guys here on the staff team and thank you for having patience with the admins. I know we are a bit inactive but we are doing what we can when we can. (At least I am don't know what's going on with that Rooma guy though :NaniSimp:  lol jk)

Thank you. SmG wouldn't be the same without you guys and I couldn't be more happy to have you guys on the team. I would say I am expecting good things from you both but you already all do an amazing job.

Anyways congratulations and now you guys are officially now Captains! :PikaWink: :ReconPray: :NaniHeart: :smg: :smglove:

What about mods though Cloud? 
Congrats you guys!  Big shots now! <3
Congratz people, now you can take up the slack from our lazy good for nothing Admins.
Nukem said:
Congratz people, now you can take up the slack from our lazy good for nothing Admins.

Valid statement :PikaLol:
Congratulations on the promotions!!!!
survived another day of demotion lets gooooo!!
Congratulations y'all! I remember these promotion posts back inn the OG Halo days, damn been a while. Keep us going!